Fire Stick Remote Not Working – Ultimate Guide to Fix

You must have noticed that the remotes for Fire Sticks and other Fire TV devices are a little different from other simple remotes.
If your Fire Stick remote not working, discover the reasons with some troubleshooting tips in this article.
Why did my Fire stick remote stop working?
Fire Stick remotes can stop working for many reasons, or they can never work.
Some of the common issues are:
- Problems with batteries
- Line-of-sight obstructions
- Electronic interference and noise.
A certain Solution:
It may help to reset your Fire Stick to its factory defaults if all else fails.
Let us discuss these reasons in more detail. Most Fire Stick remotes stop working due to the following reasons:
Faulty Batteries:
Occasionally, the batteries are the main culprits that cause Fire Stick remotes to stop working. If your Firestick Remote stopped working suddenly, you must check the batteries.
An incorrectly inserted battery, low charge on batteries, and other battery-related issues can be behind the problem.
Remotes are not compatible with Fire Sticks unless they are paired. In addition, before using a replacement remote, make sure to pair it with the device.
A Fire Stick remote can operate approximately 30 feet away using Bluetooth, not infrared. However, in reality, the range is usually shorter.
Fire Stick and remote don’t need to be in direct line of sight, but obstructions can greatly reduce their range. Hence, a hindrance may also cause problems with the fire stick.
Bluetooth devices nearby can create some interference. Thus, these may be preventing your remote from working properly.
Be sure that the replacement remote is compatible with your Fire Stick if you’ve purchased one.
Your Fire Stick remote may also stop working due to external damage. It could be due to water or internal faults caused by failed components.
Troubleshooting The Fire Stick Remote Not Working
1. Examine Fire Stick Remote Battery Problems:
It is often the batteries that cause Fire Stick remotes to stop working. When batteries run out, the Bluetooth connection on Fire Stick remotes can become unstable.
Compared to other remote controls, Fire Stick and Fire TV remotes consume a lot of power.
Therefore, your Fire TV device’s batteries will drain quickly if you use it a lot. In other words, even if you recently replaced your batteries, it’s still worth checking them.
The following steps will help you rule out the defective batteries when your Fire Stick remote no longer works:
- Make sure your Fire Stick has no batteries in it. It implies that you should remove the batteries.
- Verify that batteries were installed correctly and not reversed.
- Reinstall them if they were incorrectly inserted and try using the remote again. Within the battery compartment, you will find an installation diagram that explains how to install the batteries.
- One more factor can be the usage of Bluetooth rather than infrared. Due to this, batteries that work just fine in your TV remote may not work in your Fire Stick remote. So, it is best to use brand-new batteries if possible. Thus, changing the batteries may help if the remote is still not working.
Alkaline batteries are a better choice if you experience problems with rechargeable batteries. The reason is that Alkaline batteries provide 1.5V, while rechargeable batteries provide only 1.2V.
You shouldn’t have any problems with your remote unless the batteries are dead.
2. Solving the Pairing Problems
It is expected that the remote that comes with your new Fire Stick or Fire TV device will already be paired. Therefore, Fire Sticks and Fire TV devices should automatically recognize inputs when you set them up. Thus, you don’t have to do anything else.
Whenever you need to do manual pairing, follow the steps given herewith.
Here is how to pair a remote with a Fire Stick:
- Firstly, turn on your Fire Stick by plugging it in.
- After that, wait until the Fire TV boots up.
- Next, keep your remote near your Fire Stick.
- Hold down the HOME button on your remote for at least 10 seconds.
- Now, check if the remote works by releasing the HOME button.
- You can attempt to use the remote by pressing and holding down the HOME button again.
- Occasionally, this process requires multiple attempts.
- Sometimes, Fire Sticks and remotes are not paired or become unpaired over time because of a glitch. In those cases, re-pairing the remote usually solves the problem.
Therefore, you must first pair your replacement remote before using it.
3. Eliminate distance and obstruction problems
Infrared remotes may seem inconvenient, so Fire Stick and Fire TV remotes use Bluetooth instead. As long as the Bluetooth signal is strong, you don’t have to point the remote at your device.
Typically, Bluetooth devices like the Fire Stick remote have a range of around 30 feet, but there are a lot of factors that can reduce that range. In the event that there is any obstruction between the remote and the Fire Stick or Fire TV, the remote’s range will drastically reduce.
How can you determine whether your problem is due to distance or obstructions?
Consider the fact that the closer your remote is to your Fire Stick, the better.
So, first, disconnect your remote from your Fire Stick if there are any obstructions. You can use the Fire Stick extension to reposition the device.
Depending on the location, you may need a longer extension. So. it depends on whether you have mounted the TV in a recess or an entertainment cabinet.
Subsequently, test your remote by removing your Fire TV from an enclosure, such as an entertainment cabinet.
4. Remote with Fire Sticks and Interface
There are a few benefits to Bluetooth over infrared. For instance, it can reduce range without preventing the remote from working. However, Bluetooth remotes suffer from interference, unlike infrared ones.
Moreover, make sure you don’t have any of these devices in close proximity to your Fire Stick:
- Microwave ovens
- Wireless speakers
- Unshielded coaxial cables
- Wireless phones
- Wireless speakers
- Other wireless devices
Try moving any wireless devices near your Fire Stick that could interfere with Bluetooth. Alternatively, you might get your Fire Stick remote working by shutting them down and unplugging them one at a time.
Hence, it will allow you to identify the interference source and take appropriate action.
5. Fire Stick Remote compatibility:
You may have a compatibility issue with your Fire Stick remote if you purchased a replacement but have a problem pairing it.
A variety of Fire Sticks, other Fire TV devices, and Fire TV remotes exist, but they don’t all work together. So, if you are buying a remote, make sure it is compatible with the model of your television. You can do it by checking the product description.
6. Try Using the Fire Tv Phone App
If you have exhausted all your options, but discover your Firestick remote not working, the remote for your Fire TV may be damaged or defective. In such a case, purchase a replacement remote control. You can use your Android or iPhone to control your Fire Stick as a workaround.
Android app for Fire TV remote control:
The Fire TV remote app allows you to control your device from your phone. Getting it is as simple as:
App for Android: Download it from the Google Play
iOS: You can download the Fire TV remote app from the app store.
Kindle Fire TV: Remote app is available on Amazon.
To make it work with your Fire TV or Fire Stick, follow these steps:
- Wait for your Fire Stick or Fire TV to boot up after you plug it in.
- Install and launch the Fire TV remote app.
- Log in to the Fire TV remote app with your Amazon account.
- The app will list your Fire TV device.
- Enter the code you see on your television into the app.
- Now you can use your phone to control the Fire TV.
Final Thoughts:
It is all that you should know if you are worried about why my firestick remote is not working. You should reach out to an expert if your problem persists despite implementing all the methods.
Thanks for staying in touch till the end. Our experts will be happy to offer help if you need assistance.
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